Fujitsu Mini-Split AC/Heat Pump Prices and Reviews 2024

Note: This article mainly discusses Fujitsu mini split installed by contractors. If you want buy a single-zone mini split for DIY installation, we highly recommend another post: Best DIY mini splits on the market in 2023.

In addition, we’ve prepared guides for other mini-splits useful for comparing brands. They include:

MitsubishiLG, Daikin, Gree, Samsung and Pioneer.

For almost 4 decades now, Fujitsu, also known as Fujitsu General, has successfully managed to heat and cool homes and offices from every corner of the world. Among their most successful line of heat pumps is the Fujitsu mini split heat pump – a highly efficient heat pump that comes with a number of great features.

In this review, we will analyze the features of Fujitsu and popular models. Then you’ll see feedback from both expert and customer which can give you a comprehensive suggestion for this brand.

At last, we will show you the estimated prices, negotiating tactics with your contractor and tax credit information. Ok, let’s get started!


  • Extremely discreet – Unlike many conditioning systems on the market today, the Fujitsu ductless heat pump offers a variety of lengths when it comes to connecting conduits. That means you can position the outdoor unit as far away as 40 or 50 feet from the indoor unit if you so wish. It also means you can heat a room or rooms on the front side of your house and still locate the outdoor unit in a more inconspicuous place.
  • Energy efficient with zone control – each mini split zone comes with its own thermostat. That means you don’t really have to condition unoccupied spaces or rooms, which saves you a lot of energy and a huge sum of money in the long run. Also, mini split heat pumps are ductless which means they have no ducts. They, therefore, avoid the usual energy losses that are common with the ductwork that is associated with central forced air systems. Ductwork energy loss, especially when the ducts are in the attic and other unconditioned spaces, can easily add up to more than 30% of the total energy consumed.
  • Several design options – the Fujitsu ductless heat pump comes in a variety of designs that offer more flexibility when it comes to interior design. These units can be hung on walls, mounted into drop ceilings, among other options. Floor standing units are also on the market.
  • Deodorizing filters – the heat pump also boasts of long-life ion deodorizing filters that decompose odors and dust, and control the growth of mold and other harmful microorganisms.
  • Variable watts/amps draw– due to advancements in technology, the Fujitsu ductless heat pump is able to run at variable watts and amps. That means the pump uses less electricity when it’s warmer.

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Model Analysis

RLS3 (RLS2)9RLS3 (9RLS2)29-339000$300
12RLS3 (12RLS2)29-3312000$300
15RLS3 (15RLS2)29-3315000$420
RLFW (RLFW1)9RLFW1 (9RLFW)239000$300
12RLFW1 (12RLFW)2312000$300
24RLXFW1 (24RLXFW)2324000$300

Confused by the above dazzling models? Actually, it is easier to choose the right model than you imagine. All you have to do it choose the most cost-effective “Size” and “Efficiency”. We already had an in-depth guide teaching you how to choose the right size and efficiency ratings. There’s no best model for everyone. The best model changes according to your own condition. We strongly recommend you to read this guide before choosing any Mitsubishi mini-split model.

Fujitsu Mini Split Air Conditioner Prices By Size

Unit Include: 1 AC Outdoor Unit, 1 Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit, 10 Year Warranty

The average price to install one Fujitsu mini-split (ductless) air conditioner system is $1,970

ModelsHome SizeOne UnitOne Unit Installed
Fujitsu 9K BTU 29 SEER350-400 sf$1,640$3,600
Fujitsu 12K BTU 25 SEER450-550 sf$1,630$3,650
Fujitsu 15K BTU 23 SEER600-700 sf$2,150$3,990
Fujitsu 18K BTU 20 SEER700-900 sf$2,500$4,510
Fujitsu 24K BTU 20 SEER800-1200 sf$2,980$4,920

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Fujitsu Mini Split Heat Pump Prices By Size

Unit Include: 1 Heat Pump Outdoor Unit, 1 Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit, 10 Year Warranty

The average price to install one Fujitsu mini-split (ductless) heat pump is $2,050

Fujitsu 9K BTU 24 SEER350-400 sf$1,740$3,700
Fujitsu 12K BTU 25 SEER450-550 sf$2,030$3,990
Fujitsu 15K BTU 21 SEER600-700 sf$2,360$4,460
Fujitsu 18K BTU 20 SEER700-900 sf$2,650$4,600
Fujitsu 24K BTU 20 SEER800-1200 sf$3,390$5,490

Submitted Fujitsu Mini-split Prices and Reviews

Here are the homeowner-submitted prices and feedback for new installation and replacement. We will update this table every 3-6 months.

How to Get the Best Fujitsu Mini-Split Prices?

  • Firstly, keep in mind that installation quality is always the most important thing for residential HVAC project. So never sacrifice contractor quality for lower price.
  • Secondly, remember to look up the latest tax credit and rebates.
  • Thirdly, ask for at least 3 bids before you make the decision. You can click here to get 3 free estimates for your local contractor, and this estimate already takes rebates and tax credit into consideration and filter unqualified contractors automatically.

At last, once you chose the right contractor, remember to use the tactics from this guide: Homeowners Tactics When Negotiating with HVAC Dealer to get the final best price.

Written by

Rene has worked 10 years in the HVAC field and now is the Senior Comfort Specialist for PICKHVAC. He holds an HVAC associate degree and EPA & R-410A Certifications.
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4 thoughts on “Fujitsu Mini-Split AC/Heat Pump Prices and Reviews 2024”

  1. I have a Fujitsu, although has been problem free for almost 5 years, it now has an issue that actually the ‘parts’ may still be covered. However, labor to troubleshoot was $200 and estimate to put the parts in is $400.

    So much for a warranty.

  2. We installed in 2 houses mini-splits, a Daikin and a Fujitsu, the year that there was a $1500 federal tax credit. That winter we experienced a couple weeks of near 10 degree F weather, extreme cold for us. They ran full bore during that extreme cold and continued to provide some heat, but supplemental baseboard heat was required.
    A few years later the installer, subsequently self-employed, told me, “Running a mini-split at that temperature is like driving your vehicle at 90 mph down the freeway in low gear. It puts years of wear on them very quickly. Central heat-pump units automatically switch to induction heating in the mid-40s.” He advised to not run the min-splits below 30 degree F if we wanted them to last.
    A couple years ago a property manager acquaintance, who managed about 150 houses, asked if our units were still running and was very surprised that they were because most of those installed then, have had to be replaced. Most users probably never received information that my installer belatedly gave me, and which we’ve subsequently religiously followed.
    Not having that information stressed in the literature and by the installers seems derelict to me, but I’m not in the business of selling and replacing dead units in the depths of winter. There was no federal tax credit the second time around, and I suspect that the cost of the electricity saved by those replaced units was consumed more than twice over by the capital expenses.
    Aside from that, the reversible window air conditioners that I knew 60 years ago were designed so that the condensation drip pan could be cleaned without dismantling the the unit. They also rung much more moisture out of the air, but the R/H there may have been higher than the 55% we’re having here. A quick search shows that it is 80% there today, temp is 80 F, 3 degrees above here where the R/H is 58% right now.

  3. Can anyone give me some feed back on the new Fujitsu heat pumps. I m about to take a wood heater out and put a new 9kw Fujitsu heat pump in. Thank you.


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