The 3 speed ceiling fan wiring diagram options below make it easy to wire/install a ceiling fan capacitor and fan.
The wiring diagrams cover popular models manufactured by Hampton Bay, Harbor Breeze and Hunter but work for many other brands that also employ a capacitor in order to control fan speed using the pull chain.
Hampton Bay Ceiling Fan Pull Chain Switch Diagram
This Hampton Bay 3 speed ceiling fan wiring diagram works for many models, though the capacitor wire colors sometimes vary.
The fan kit should come with a 3 speed ceiling fan pull chain switch wiring diagram included. Use it as a reference along with this diagram. Where they differ, refer to the diagram you have.
Below this diagram, there is another 3 speed 4 wire ceiling fan switch wiring diagram with alternate colors. If your capacitor has yellow and red wires, jump down to that diagram.
4 wire ceiling fan wiring is standard, as shown in the diagrams on this page.
- Black wire – Fan capacitor
- Blue wire – Power to the light or lights
- Green wire – Ground wire
- White Wire – Neutral Wire
This is the Hampton Bay ceiling fan wiring color code: L=Black, 2=Brown, 1=Purple, 3=Gray
To wire the capacitor:
1. Connect the Black power supply wire to the “L” terminal on the switch to power the fan motor.
2. Connect the Purple wire to the “1” terminal – the fan’s low speed.
3. Connect the Brown wire to the “2” terminal – the fan’s middle speed.
4. Connect the Gray wire to the “3” terminal – the fan’s highest speed.
Turn power to the fan back on at the electrical box, and try the pull switch control to verify the fan is properly wired.
Alternate Hampton Bay Ceiling Fan Wiring Colors
Some models have red, purple and yellow wires from the capacitor.
For those models, here is the Hampton Bay ceiling fan wiring diagram and connections.
The power supply Black wire connects to the “L” terminal.
From there, Red to Terminal 1, Purple to Terminal 2 and Yellow to Terminal 3.
Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fan Pull Chain Switch Diagram
Here is the most common Hampton Bay 3 speed ceiling fan pull chain switch wiring diagram. If the pull chain switch wiring diagram that comes in the box is different, then follow it.
This wiring diagram is for a ceiling fan with 4 wires. Here are the colors and their purposes.
- Black wire – Fan capacitor
- Blue wire – Power to the light or light kit
- Green wire – Ground wire (may be bare copper)
- White Wire – Neutral Wire
Here is the Harbor Breeze ceiling fan color code: L=Black, 2=Brown, 1=Gray, 3=Purple
It should be used for any 3 speed, 4 wire pull chain switch with terminals L, 1, 2, 3.
To wire your fan and capacitor:
1. Connect the Black wire to the “L” terminal to supply power to the fan speed switch.
2. Connect the Gray capacitor wire to the “1” terminal for the lowest fan speed.
3. Connect the Brown capacitor wire to the “2” terminal for the second/middle speed.
4. Connect the Purple wire to the “3” terminal for the highest fan speed.
Once you have mounted and secured the fan, turn power on to the fan. Try the pull chain, to see if it functions as it should – going through the progression from low speed to medium speed to high speed as you pull the chain.
Are there alternate wire colors for Harbor Breeze ceiling fans?
No. None that we know of. If you have a new fan that has alternate colors, let us know. We’ll update this page to reflect the best available current information.
Hunter Ceiling Fan Pull Chain Switch Diagram
Hunter is another popular ceiling fan brand. Its 3 speed ceiling fan wiring diagram below works for all models.
As noted for the other brands above, fan wire colors are Black (power/to capacitor), Blue (light or lights), Green (or Bare – ground) and White (neutral).
Hunter ceiling fan: L=Black, 2=Brown, 1=Gray, 3=Green
Now, here are quick step-by-step instructions to go with the 3 speed ceiling fan pull chain switch wiring diagram above.
1. Connect the incoming power supply Black wire to the “L” terminal that supplies power to the switch.
2. Connect the Gray capacitor wire to Terminal 1 on the switch. This is for low speed.
3. Connect the Brown wire to Terminal 2 on the switch for medium speed.
4. Connect the Green wire to Terminal 3 on the switch for high speed.
Universal Ceiling Fan Wiring Tip
In almost every 3 speed 4 wire ceiling fan switch wiring diagram:
-One wire connects the capacitor to the fan. Now, there are three other wires.
-The closest wire to the capacitor wire connects to terminal 1.
-The middle wire of the three connects to terminal 2.
-The wire furthest from the capacitor wire connects to terminal 3.
For example, this wiring configuration works from some Casa Blanca and Westinghouse.
Are ceiling fan switches universal?
No, but some 3 speed 4 wire ceiling fan switch models are compatible or interchangeable with others.
This chart shows popular 3 speed ceiling fan switches and other models that can be used in their place.
For example, if your fan needs the Ranco Sol 4-hole switch, but it isn’t available, you can substitute a Sun-lite SL-A-200A switch.
This Switch is the Same | As This Switch |
Ranco Sol 4-hole | Sun-lite SL-A-200A |
Satco 80-1983 | Wu Pin UJY-209A & |
Zing Ear ZE-268S1 | LJY-280A 4-hole |
GC35-0867 | Harbor Breeze 0033905 & 33905 |
KTE3089T Circuit R | Shine Top LS-102-01 |
The ceiling fan has two windings. Which winding is the capacitor wired to?
The ceiling fan capacitor is wired to the start winding – the winding that supplies extra power to the fan needed to get it moving.
How to replace a ceiling fan capacitor?
First, make sure you have a capacitor compatible with your ceiling fan. Then, follow the wiring diagram above that fits your fan brand – Harbor Breeze, Hunter or Hampton Bay.
The replacement switch should include a pull chain switch wiring diagram.
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